What do you get
...when you give a bunch of drunks godlike power?
Exactly what you’d expect.
At a Hell’s Kitchen dive called The Pits, a clique of super-powered misfits drown their sorrows while the city burns. Down in Chinatown, a sentient cancer spreads through the minds of young men and unlocks their darkest dreams. One by one, the strings that hold New York together are slashed. As the city slides into anarchy, Lemon, Maybe, and the Electric Lady are Manhattan’s only hope, if they don’t destroy themselves first!
Lemon, Maybe, and the Electric Lady
Novel (not graphic! [yet!]) by Zak Zyz
SF \ Noir \ Urban Fantasy
392 Pages
Release TBD
Lemon, Maybe, and the Electric Lady is my NYC noir masterpiece. (hubris be damned, this is probably the best thing I will ever write) It’s a grimy, violent ode to everything seedy and sublime about New York City. No capes, no secret identities, just broken people who can barely make rent, cursed with power they didn’t ask for and don’t deserve. You can smell the subway on every page. 🍕🐀
If you like:
The Watchmen
The Boys
Ex Machina
Sin City
Lemon Maybe might be up your alley. HMU for a review copy.