The shelf of Appropriation
Woke up a bit early this morning after a nightmare and finally assembled a bookcase for all the books scattered all over my bedroom. Now all the mythology books I'm using for research on RUB and RAPAXORIS are on a neat shelf instead of in a teetering tower propped up by whisky bottles beside my bed. All walls must fall.
Some Quick Micro-reviews:
Forest of a Thousand Demons is definitely worth reading if you liked Palm Wine Drinkard, though Witch Herbalist of the Remote Town and the Village Witch Doctor are both a bit disappointing compared to Drinkard. Tales of Yoruba Gods & Heroes is good, I haven't read Diné yet.
Navajo Indian Myths is my favorite between of the three next books. It's really interesting to read each of those three retellings of essentially the same myths, they stories are told VASTLY differently. Diné Bahane' is a more friendly approach, but I found the raw approach of O'Bryan's work more interesting. Moth Madness and Navajo Religion are both very scholarly and the kind of thing I plow through a little bit at a time to fall asleep.
I want to get deeper into the four books on Japanese myths before I render judgement. The Norse Myths is EXCEPTIONALLY well written and approachable, the author has done a stellar job. The Complete World of Greek Mythology manages to be pretty exhaustive without being exhausting.
What's on your research shelf?