New Sales! New Reviews! New Documentary!
This piece was finished for less than a day before it was sold! I was a little sad to see it go, I love those twisted swirled glass beads, and the pendant was quite unusual. Here are a couple others I sold.
My biggest news this month was a very talented videographer from Belgium contacted me to be in a documentary about artists in New York! Laurens Heijs filmed me as I painted a tray of teardrop pendants and a 12x12 tile piece on the turntable, and then we talked for a bit about my methods, what I thought about art, and some of the experiences that had led me to do this kind of wild and poisonous work. I had had quite a bit of coffee and I'm sure I came across as totally batshit. Blame the fumes.
You can actually see the pendant that made the top piece in this picture! Second row, third from the right.
I won't know until I actually see the piece, but I was really impressed with Laurens, he asked insightful questions, had a very pleasant manner, and managed to not get his camera zapped when the turntable blasted paint everywhere. A highly enjoyable and professional experience, and I would recommend working with him to anyone.
You can check out his site
I'm also happy to announce that people are now receiving the review packages I've sent everywhere.
It's really exciting! Also pretty daunting.
I have to keep cautioning myself that just like all these swirly paintings, and shiny baubles, Xan & Ink is definitely not a work everyone will enjoy. But after seeing the joy of people pawing through a huge box of weird necklaces to find the color they like, or hearing back from a beta reader that they loved a new edition makes it all worthwhile.
Special bonus, check out this map of where I've sent all my review copies so far! I hope to add more.